
Archive for December, 2016

12 Days of Christmas Experience at Lotherton Hall, Yorkshire

December 4, 2016 Leave a comment

“On the first day of Christmas, my true love gave to me…… a partridge in a pear tree.”

Everyone knows the traditional Christmas song of the 12 days of Christmas, right?

We all sing it and feel festive.

If you visit Lotherton Hall this Christmas, there’s an interactive 12 Days of Christmas Experience Walk.

The walk takes you around the grounds and gardens, and along it there’s an activity depicting each of the presents gifted in the classic song.

“On the second day of Christmas, my true love gave to me…..two turtle doves….


Pull on the ropes and make the turtle doves fly….. 



“On the third day of Christmas, my true love gave to me…. three french hens….”




Make your way around the walk and see if you can find them all.

“Nine ladies dancing…..” (spin the ladies around to make them twirl and dance)



“Ten lords a’leaping”….



“Eleven pipers piping”….. (play the pipes to make Christmas music)



“twelve drummers drumming…… and a partridge in a pear tree!” 🙂 (stand behind and make the drummers drum via the strings)


When you’ve been through the walk (and hopefully spotted them all!), make sure you exit through the fairy village.

Tiptoe through gently, as you never know if the fairies are sleeping and you don’t want to scare them away!


down the steps, shhhhh and visit the fairies in their little homes…..


look, they even have an off licence and their own shops and houses….maybe you’ll see one emerging if you look hard enough?!


maybe they’re buying some wine to take and have a party when all the humans have gone home… 


For your own festive treats, the courtyard near the main entrance has plenty of drinks and snacks so you can get yourself a mince pie.

All in all, a fantastic experience that kids (and adults!) will love.

The Christmas Experience is open until 23rd December.


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